Thumbtack Top Pro
4 years running
Thumbtack Top Pro
4 years running
“ MerMan has a great message and delivers it well! I received very positive feedback from both students and staff. I highly recommend this program and encourage schools to not only present the assemblies but the family night as well!” - Kimberly Quinlan- Clark/Moores Middle - Richmond. KY
“ Excellent job! This was very informative and enjoyable for all, THANK YOU!.” - Teacher - Ps 104 - Brooklyn, NY
“ Can’t wait to have you back next year! We want you to talk to our parents as well.” - Principal- middle school - El Dorado Hills, CA
“ Your performance was excellent. I’m sure many lessons were learned.” - Mary Anne Hayes, Philadelphia, PA
“Excellent speaker - very high audience involvement and participation. Very visual and vivid use of terms and examples. Really made an impact.” - Counselor , Currituck County, NC
“ Mr. MerMan really does understand the problems facing students today and presents a program that is fun, exciting and very useful to all ages!” - Counselor, Prince William County, VA
“Great performance. It reinforced what we are constantly trying to teach the students.” - Fourth grade teacher, Cincinnati, OH
“Good Job, very informative. I think you connected with the students on their level.” - Angela Pitzer, Bunker Hill, WV
“Amazing program and we look forward to you coming back- It’s was better than I even hoped for, Great job.” - Principal- Dillon, SC
“Wonderful presentation! Students were actively engaged and involved in the program and developed a better understanding of bullying.”
- Kiley Jackson, South Plainfield, NJ
What teachers and students are saying about MerMan